发信人: dondon (饮风之子), 信区: Apple
标 题: iTunes在国外也是罪行累累罄竹难书——续itunes惨剧
发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Dec 3 23:29:13 2012), 站内





-I lost all of my contacts after syncing with Itunes?

I recently got an Iphone 4s and decided to sync it to Itunes. My family shares one Itunes library, so when I went to sync my phone, I got all of my daughters contacts and all of mine were gone. I tried the itunes back up, but I\'m still stuck with my daughters contacts. How do I retrieve my contacts, or are they gone forever?

Sorry, I think they\'re gone. Next time try making individual iTunes libraries. Also, it\'s a little better to use as a new iPhone and copy all of the data, not sync since iTunes screws up half of the time.

-iPhone Sync deletes Address Book Contacts

Well, I\'ve loved my iPhone up until now. I even loved how easy it sync\'d to my MacBook Pro. But today when I plugged in my sync cable I got a pop up window, that I must admit didn\'t seem very OSX like, and it said that I was about to modify over 5% of my contacts and did I want to proceed. Well, I did and presto, it cleaned out my address book on my MacBook Pro. Oh, then I ejected my iPhone and then reconnected, hoping to get the contacts off my phone and back into Address Book. I then got the same 5% warning window and it said I was going to add 2 contacts to my address book. Well, great I said okay, and guess what, it wiped out all the contacts on my iPhone with only 2 contacts. I got to admit I just felt like I could cry. How could Apple, which I\'m a loyal follower, allow something like this to happen. I guess I have to high of expectation?

Can anyone help me recover my deleted contacts in Address Book.


-Please tell me you have a solution. Same thing happened to me and I have no backup since everything is new. I just lost 400 contacts and am ready to break down.

-same thing\'s happened to me - can\'t we create a class action against iphone or something? i\'ve got about 15 years of contacts that have been wiped, can\'t trace them back on my computer, had no warning to say they were going to be wiped only that 5% of my computer\'s address book would be changed (i had made changes on my iphone address book prior to syncing). then the exact same thing happened as the person that started this thread. can\'t believe apple/iphone haven\'t warned us this might happen.

-Recovering lost contacts after syncing with iTunes
I recently bought an iPhone 3g.
I had around 250 contacts on the phone.
However, after syncing with iTunes, I appear to have lost almost all of my contacts and need to know how to retrieve them. I have read that iTunes backs up your iPhone when you first connect but I can\'t fin the file/folder.
I am desperate to retrieve my lost phone numbers etc. - can anyone help?

这是Google搜索“iphone sync lost”时的输入提示:





※ 修改:·dondon 于 Dec 3 23:32:57 2012 修改本文·[FROM: 220.255.2.*]
※ 来源:·水木社区 http://www.newsmth.net·[FROM: 220.255.2.*]