发信人: shallpion (紫竹), 信区: Oversea
标 题: 前几天我说的那个扔猫的实验
发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Mar 30 13:33:06 2013), 站内


Montgomery, Richard
Gauge theory of the falling cat. Dynamics and control of mechanical systems (Waterloo, ON, 1992), 193–218,
Fields Inst. Commun., 1, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1993.

The general theory for the attitude or orientation control for deformable bodies developed by the author is applied to the Kane-Scher [T. R. Kane and M. P. Scher, Internat. J. Solids Structures 5 (1969), 663–670; AMR 1970:2549] model of the falling cat.
After applying rather sophisticated machinery, the author comes to the conclusion that the original solutions of Kane and Scher are in certain senses both the optimal and the simplest solutions.

MONTGOMERY Richard is a mathematics professor at ucsc. He received his PhD from UCBerkeley at 1986.


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